Why Teaching Piano is the PERFECT Mom Job

If you're anything like me, you've got young kiddos running around at home and although motherhood is the most fulfilling (and might I add trying) role you've ever had, your ambitious spirit has you constantly drawn towards the idea of owning your own business and adding financial value to you and your family's lives. This article dives into the PERFECT mom job: teaching piano.

Like you, I've looked into it all. I signed up with my favorite fitness company to try the whole health coaching thing, I looked into participating in an MLM for my favorite tanning product, I interviewed for a position teaching English to Chinese students online, I've read books on how to become an Amazon affiliate marketer, listened to countless podcasts on side hustle ideas, signed up as a driver for LYFT--I swear my list could go on and on!

But nothing ever felt like the right fit for me and the lifestyle I wanted for my family.

I wanted THE mom job that would contribute financially for my family while also being able to have the majority of my day spent with my kids.

I wanted THE mom job that didn't pressure my family and friends to buy my products.

I wanted THE mom job that had little to no overhead because I wasn't in a place financially to invest a large sum upfront.

I wanted THE mom job that had normal working hours and could bring in consistent, reliable income every single month.

I Had Started My Perfect Mom Job 13yrs Ago and Didn't Even Realize It

I can't say that I wish I had taught piano sooner, because I actually did--in high school. What I do wish though, is that I realized just how valuable teaching could be both to my entrepreneurial future and family's future.

As a piano teacher, I...

  • set my own schedule to teach as little or as much as I like

  • get paid consistently on terms that I set

  • take time off for sick kids or family vacations without asking for permission

  • and most importantly, GENUINELY am excited to start each workday

I still get to raise both of my kids while being responsible for my very own business that brings MORE THAN DOUBLE THE PAY than I ever brought in at my highest paying corporate job.

Am I saying that I can be my own boss, the primary caregiver of my children, love my job, AND get paid well doing it?

Absolutely, freaking YES.

If your story sounds a heck of a lot like mine, have a background in piano, and have all of the ambition without a place to put it, download my FREE eBook today as your own personal guide in taking the first steps to setting up your own piano teaching business!

Don't let years go by chasing dead ends. Begin establishing your legacy as an entrepreneur and making a difference in your life, your family's lives, and the sweet lives of those you will teach.

As always, stay tuned!

(pun unapologetically intended)

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Why a Piano Teacher’s Mindset Matters


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