Hi friends — Welcome! I'm Jess Homewood, a Piano Studio Owner and Resource Curator.

Not too long ago, I was chasing all of the creative games, cute printouts, and piano teaching resources that I saw online. Although my students were having fun, I was exhausted from extensive lesson planning and constantly feeling the need to do more.

It wasn’t long before my lessons, family relationships, and mental health were suffering because of my burnout.

There had to be a better way to teach fun and engaging lessons, scale my studio income, but not burn the midnight oil.

In fact, there is a better way.

It includes simplifying your games and lessons without sacrificing educational content.

It includes working smarter, not harder, in your private and group lesson models.

It includes streamlining your systems and materials to eliminate “busy work” and win back your time.

It includes loving teaching again.

My most popular resource includes the NO PRINTOUT PLAYBOOK: a collection of simple piano games that don’t require any printing, laminating, or cutting.

My most valuable partnership is the SUCCESSFUL GROUP LESSONS digital course produced by Grow Your Music Studio, a group lesson solution that both my students and I were desperate for. A solution that not only enriched the student experience but also simplified my schedule while opening the doors to scaling my income.

Balancing studio ownership and motherhood, I aim to inspire piano educators like you to eliminate burnout from your career, build a balance that serves you, and help you fall in love with teaching again.

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